Employee checking a cifX PC card from Hilscher.
empowering communication

Head of Quality Management/Quality Assurance

Posizioni attualmente aperte

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Full timeNo limitationQuality Managementas of nowHattersheim am Main

Join our team!

We’re in the business of connecting factories and plants around the globe. We’re the global market leader in industrial communication. With our high-tech solutions, we make technology more intelligent and push the limits of what is possible—both now and in the future.

Our customers can rely on us. Our mission is to give our customers 100% quality. And for that, we need your help! We’re looking for someone to join our integrated management team in Hattersheim am Main to fill the role of Head of Quality Management/Quality Assurance.

As a second-generation, family owned and operated business, Hilscher is one of the world’s leading and most successful technology and solution providers in industrial automation. It is our mission to shape the future of industrial communication with our know-how, experience and innovation. In what is an increasingly connected world, we work every day to unleash the full potential of industrial communication.

We know that our teamwork is the key to success! That’s why committed and inspired employees are at the heart of what we do.

Learn more about us


You’re an absolute professional

IMS/QM system, internal and external audits, risk management, CAPA process, QM reporting … You’re experienced in professional QA management and qualified to take on responsibility for this area. Your duties will include overseeing the implementation and maintenance of an IMS/QM system, considering both external and internal requirements. You will also plan, conduct, and evaluate internal and external audits, establish and develop a company-wide risk management system, implement an effective and efficient CAPA process, and create meaningful QM reporting.

You’re a team player

You’ll support the executive management team and department heads in defining, implementing, evaluating and maintaining business processes. When it comes to change management, your constructive input is needed. All departments depend on your reliable cooperation and appreciate your competent advice. 

You can troubleshoot

Our customers can also rely on you. Whatever the situation, whether a recall or an 8D report, you’re able to communicate in a professional, solution-oriented manner for all quality-related processes.

You get to the bottom of things

When things don’t go according to plan, you don’t let up until you find the root cause. Once the cause has been determined, you’ll analyze, develop, and implement measures for improvement and remediation.


Formal qualifications

You have a degree in engineering, ideally with a focus on QM/QA. Alternatively, you have at least 10 years of professional experience in the field of QM/QA in addition to formal training in a technical field.

You already have years of experience with the IMS/QM system according to DIN ISO 9001 and DIN ISO 14001. You have a thorough understanding of the business processes in the electrical industry and the relevant KPIs for manufacturing companies. You’re proficient in employing common problem-solving methodologies such as process analysis, risk management, Lean Six Sigma, and 8D.


You are a team player with strong organizational and communication skills. You think and work independently, strategically and process-oriented. You can quickly grasp complex issues and are able to organize them and identify priorities.

Computer skills

You’re familiar with MS Office applications and already have experience working with an ERP system (ideally with MS D365 BC) and database systems.

Language skills

You are able to communicate confidently and effectively, both written and spoken, in German and English.

Industria ad alta tecnologia

Da noi, ti verranno affidati compiti entusiasmanti in un’azienda giovane e orientata alla tecnologia, con ampio spazio per la tua creatività.

Spirito di squadra

Lavorare in un team motivato con colleghi esperti e disponibili. Una cooperazione rispettosa e valida è la nostra prima priorità! Hilscher è leader di mercato per la comunicazione industriale, con una vasta rete di partner. Entra nel nostro settore e contribuisci a plasmare la produzione del futuro!

Sviluppo personale

L’istruzione è la chiave del tuo e del nostro successo, ecco perché la formazione continua è sempre possibile ed espressamente incoraggiata - e noi ti supporteremo!

Condizioni di lavoro interessanti

Ti offriamo un contratto di lavoro a tempo indeterminato con condizioni interessanti, come 30 giorni di ferie in uno dei settori industriali più promettenti del nostro tempo. Inoltre, riceverai una 13° mensilità e un pagamento extra sotto forma di bonus annuale.

Vantaggio della sede aziendale

Ci troviamo nella regione Reno-Meno, una delle zone commerciali più vivaci della Germania, con la metropoli finanziaria di Francoforte e il suo aeroporto proprio nelle vicinanze.

Vantaggi aziendali

Offriamo un pranzo sovvenzionato, sconti per i dipendenti presso vari marchi e negozi, parcheggio gratuito e frutta a spese dell’azienda presso il nostro ufficio.

A woman with brown hair smiles into the camera. She is wearing a purple blazer and a white shirt underneath. On the left side of the picture, there is a reflection of her on a glass wall.

Per la tua candidatura e tutto ciò che riguarda il lavoro in Hilscher: Anja Tiedemann è la tua referente personale.

Telefono: +49 (0) 6190 – 9907-0

E-mail: recruiting@hilscher.com

In Hilscher, il processo di candidatura include una revisione della tua candidatura completa, un colloquio e un test di reclutamento. Il colloquio di lavoro ci dà la possibilità di conoscerti personalmente. Naturalmente, l’incontro ti darà anche l’opportunità di conoscere noi e le condizioni generali di base del lavoro in Hilscher.

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Two Hilscher employees looking at a tablet
Human Resources
Rheinstrasse 15
Thanks to its multi-protocol capability, Hilscher products can be integrated into almost any industrial application—yours included!

Entrate a far parte del team Hilscher e contribuite a promuovere l’integrazione di rete delle macchine in tutto il mondo. Siamo sempre alla ricerca di persone preparate che siano interessate a una delle tecnologie più rivoluzionarie del nostro tempo.