Two employees of Hilscher are talking about a draft on an iPad
empowering communication







A stylized human with a thought bubble at the top right side. A large question mark can be seen within the thought bubble. A red arrow points to the right.



A stylized human with a thought bubble on the top right corner of the picture. Within the bubble, a stylized PCB can be seen. A red arrow points to the right.



  • 我们提供评估包以外的支持。我们提供硬件、软件、培训和设备预认证。


  • 我们的生产团队将为您提供即装即用产品。我们负责技术支持事宜,还提供“更换停用部件”等维护服务。


  • 与我们具备相应资格的集成合作伙伴共同开发和维护您的解决方案组件,并与他们或 EMS 服务提供商一起规划批量生产。
A stylized human in black on the left side of the picture. On the right, there is a  circuit layout with a large square wit "netX" written in it. A red arrow points to the right.


在我们位于德国的现代化 SMD 生产设施中,或与我们网络中的集成合作伙伴合作,将您的产品投入批量生产。

A stylized human on the left and a conveyor belt on the right. Three stylized PCBs are placed in line on top of the conveyor belt. A red arrow points to the right.



A stylized human in black on the left. On the right side,  stylized PCB and display with a chart diagram can be seen. In the top right corner is a screwdriver pointing to the PCB, while a magnifying glass is placed in the bottom right corner.

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Three stylized production lines lined up within a compartment, all in black. At the end of each production line stands a robot arm. The conveyor belt of the last production line is painted in red. On top of this line, there is an icon of a PCB.


为您的工业 4.0 应用或网络分析提供咨询和工程支持。

One stylized production line with a conveyor belt and a robot arm at the left side. On the conveyor belt of the production line, three PCBs are lined up. The right one of the PCBs is painted in red, everything else is black.



A stylized robot arm in black on the left side holding a stylized PCB in red.



A stylized PCB in red on white background.



A stylized PCB in black on the bottom is sending data in form of several numbers (zeros and ones) into a stylized cloud. The numbers are painted red, the cloud is placed above the PCB. Within the cloud, a graph is placed with two bar charts. The bars are painted red, the cloud is black.


为您的工业 4.0 应用提供咨询和工程支持。

A stylized production line with a conveyor belt and a robot on the left side. Three cables go from the conveyor belt to the bottom of the picture. A magnifying glass is hovering over the cable on the right side. In the magnifying glass, a red thunderbolt can be seen.


为您的工业 4.0 应用或网络分析提供咨询和工程支持。

A bald man in a dark suit and white shirt laughing into the camera, a large scale Hilscher logo in the background.her Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
Oliver Heidl


电话:+49 (0) 152 02044324

A picture in black and white of a bald man wearing glasses as well as a suit with a tie.
Jörg Zimmermann



电话:+49 (0) 172 9989 051

Kontakt Hilscher



电话: +49 (6190) 9907 -90

Titleimage Systemtechnik Leber

基于赫优讯的 netX 90 多协议处理器,Systemtechnik LEBER 和 E-T-A 开发出一种超紧凑、高性价比的总线控件,用于监控电子断路器。

netX 90 communication controller mounted on a circuit board.

电机控制器整个控制柜内容的整合,dieEntwickler Elektronik(dEE)实施了创新型 netX 90 项目并开启小型多协议控制器的整个内部外围。点击此处了解更多关于我公司集成合作伙伴的信息!

Two employees talking in front of the main entrance of the Hilscher company building.

哈特斯海姆,2022 年 9 月 14 日 荷兰国内领先的 PROFIBUS 和 PROFINET 网络专业企业 Helmholz Benelux 与工业通信解决方案专家赫优讯携手建立战略合作伙伴关系。新建立的战略合作伙伴关系将为比荷卢三国(比利时、荷兰、卢森堡)自动化领域的客户带来福音,为他们的自动化项目提供便利。

Hilscher production manager standing next to a pick-and-place robot.

哈特斯海姆,2022 年 10 月 13 日 - 奥地利巴特采尔的工业硬件和软件开发服务提供商 dieEntwickler Elektronik GmbH (dEE),拥有工业通信和微控制器编程方面的专业知识,现已成为赫优讯官方嵌入式集成合作伙伴。两家公司在基于赫优讯 netX 芯片技术的众多开发项目上有过合作。

A man and a woman standing at a table at SPS 2022, signing a contract.

哈特斯海姆,2023 年 1 月 31 日 总部位于德国布本罗伊特的 infoteam Software Group 成为赫优讯新的集成合作伙伴。两家公司已于 2022 年底在纽伦堡举行的智能生产解决方案展览会上宣布了合作事宜。

Corporate business team and manager in a meeting

哈特斯海姆,2023 年 2 月 7 日 – 硬件设计和嵌入式软件开发专业企业 Promwad 公司将与赫优讯自动化系统有限公司建立联合合作伙伴关系。Promwad 的工业自动化和机器人工程部门更加专注于工业自动化领域,与赫优讯非常契合,因为后者的 netX 多协议 SoC 可用于众多项目中。

5 men in business suits stand in line at a trade fair booth of Hilscher and smile ito the camera. In the background there is a large Hilscher logo and a panel with technical graphics.

哈特斯海姆,2023 年 3 月 23 日 – Embedded Office 与赫优讯建立了战略合作伙伴关系。这意味着,采用成熟 netX 技术的公司拥有了一个具有特定应用专业知识的出色集成合作伙伴。

Three man dressed in suits or business casual are standing at a trade fair booth, smiling into the camera. A red large Hilscher logo on a white panel can be seen in the background, surrounded by other blue trade fair panels.

哈特斯海姆,2023 年 4 月 27 日 – STL Systemtechnik LEBER GmbH 是嵌入式和机电一体化系统领域的开发服务提供商,该公司与赫优讯希望进一步深化双方于 2017 年建立的合作关系。这使得 STL 和赫优讯的工程师之间的协调更加顺畅,客户开发项目的速度也更快。

Two men are shaking hands while smiling into the camera. Both are wearing white shirts and blue jeans. In the background, a colorful roll up is to be seen with the Sotronik logo on the bottom right side.

哈特斯海姆,2023 年 6 月 26 日 – Sotronik GmbH 成为赫优讯自动化系统有限公司官方认可的嵌入式软件集成合作伙伴。因此,瑞士的 netX 技术用户将能够依靠官方合作伙伴来解决自身面临的自动化挑战。

Three men are standing at Hilscher’s trade fair booth at SPS 2023. They are wearing business suits and smile into the camera. In the background a light blue and white wall of the Hilscher booth can be seen with a large Hilscher logo on top.

哈特斯海姆,2023 年 11 月 30 日 “德国制造”高品质电子服务提供商 SYS TEC electronic AG 与工业通讯解决方案市场领导者 Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH 达成战略合作伙伴关系。这为 netX 技术用户引入了一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,帮助他们实现支持多协议的通讯解决方案。



我们将最大限度地降低您构建自有通讯解决方案的风险,并加快您的产品上市速度。专注于您的核心业务。通讯方面就交给我们。您可以访问整个工厂自动化协议组合 经过预先认证并符合最新规范。

利用我们的 netX 技术,您只需要一个硬件设计就能实现所有常见的通讯协议。我们提供个人培训和研讨会支持,您可以直接联系我们专家团队的专职联系人



A hand in a white glove holds an embedd module from Hilscher. Mounted on the green square module is a netX 52.


Employee sitting on the back of a couch in Hilscher's office building.

我们的解决方案使世界各地的机器能够自主、安全地相互通讯。从通讯控件、PC 板卡和嵌入式模块到网络分析和工业 4.0,我们让工业通讯成为可能。

Communication controllers and printed circuit boards are extensively tested at Hilscher in Germany.
