Extbase Variable Dump
array(6 items)
   containerClassAttribute => 'input' (5 chars)
   elementClassAttribute => '' (0 chars)
   elementErrorClassAttribute => 'error' (5 chars)
   sortByOptionLabel => TRUE
   options => array(246 items)
      AF => 'Afghanistan' (11 chars)
      AX => 'Aland Islands' (13 chars)
      AL => 'Albania' (7 chars)
      DZ => 'Algeria' (7 chars)
      AS => 'American Samoa' (14 chars)
      AD => 'Andorra' (7 chars)
      AO => 'Angola' (6 chars)
      AI => 'Anguilla' (8 chars)
      AQ => 'Antarctica' (10 chars)
      AG => 'Antigua and Barbuda' (19 chars)
      AR => 'Argentina' (9 chars)
      AM => 'Armenia' (7 chars)
      AW => 'Aruba' (5 chars)
      AU => 'Australia' (9 chars)
      AT => 'Austria' (7 chars)
      AZ => 'Azerbaijan' (10 chars)
      BS => 'Bahamas' (7 chars)
      BH => 'Bahrain' (7 chars)
      BD => 'Bangladesh' (10 chars)
      BB => 'Barbados' (8 chars)
      BY => 'Belarus' (7 chars)
      BE => 'Belgium' (7 chars)
      BZ => 'Belize' (6 chars)
      BJ => 'Benin' (5 chars)
      BM => 'Bermuda' (7 chars)
      BT => 'Bhutan' (6 chars)
      BO => 'Bolivia' (7 chars)
      BQ => 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba' (32 chars)
      BA => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina' (22 chars)
      BW => 'Botswana' (8 chars)
      BV => 'Bouvet Island' (13 chars)
      BR => 'Brazil' (6 chars)
      IO => 'British Indian Ocean Territory' (30 chars)
      BN => 'Brunei Darussalam' (17 chars)
      BG => 'Bulgaria' (8 chars)
      BF => 'Burkina Faso' (12 chars)
      BI => 'Burundi' (7 chars)
      KH => 'Cambodia' (8 chars)
      CM => 'Cameroon' (8 chars)
      CA => 'Canada' (6 chars)
      CV => 'Cape Verde' (10 chars)
      KY => 'Cayman Islands' (14 chars)
      CF => 'Central African Republic' (24 chars)
      TD => 'Chad' (4 chars)
      CL => 'Chile' (5 chars)
      CN => 'China' (5 chars)
      CX => 'Christmas Island' (16 chars)
      CC => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands' (23 chars)
      CO => 'Colombia' (8 chars)
      KM => 'Comoros' (7 chars)
      CG => 'Congo' (5 chars)
      CD => 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the' (37 chars)
      CK => 'Cook Islands' (12 chars)
      CR => 'Costa Rica' (10 chars)
      CI => 'Cote d'Ivoire' (13 chars)
      HR => 'Croatia' (7 chars)
      CU => 'Cuba' (4 chars)
      CW => 'Curaçao' (8 chars)
      CY => 'Cyprus' (6 chars)
      CZ => 'Czech Republic' (14 chars)
      DK => 'Denmark' (7 chars)
      DJ => 'Djibouti' (8 chars)
      DM => 'Dominica' (8 chars)
      DO => 'Dominican Republic' (18 chars)
      EC => 'Ecuador' (7 chars)
      EG => 'Egypt' (5 chars)
      SV => 'El Salvador' (11 chars)
      GQ => 'Equatorial Guinea' (17 chars)
      ER => 'Eritrea' (7 chars)
      EE => 'Estonia' (7 chars)
      ET => 'Ethiopia' (8 chars)
      FK => 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)' (27 chars)
      FO => 'Faroe Islands' (13 chars)
      FJ => 'Fiji' (4 chars)
      FI => 'Finland' (7 chars)
      FR => 'France' (6 chars)
      GF => 'French Guiana' (13 chars)
      PF => 'French Polynesia' (16 chars)
      TF => 'French Southern Territories' (27 chars)
      GA => 'Gabon' (5 chars)
      GM => 'Gambia' (6 chars)
      GE => 'Georgia' (7 chars)
      DE => 'Germany' (7 chars)
      GH => 'Ghana' (5 chars)
      GI => 'Gibraltar' (9 chars)
      GR => 'Greece' (6 chars)
      GL => 'Greenland' (9 chars)
      GD => 'Grenada' (7 chars)
      GP => 'Guadeloupe' (10 chars)
      GU => 'Guam' (4 chars)
      GT => 'Guatemala' (9 chars)
      GG => 'Guernsey' (8 chars)
      GN => 'Guinea' (6 chars)
      GW => 'Guinea-Bissau' (13 chars)
      GY => 'Guyana' (6 chars)
      HT => 'Haiti' (5 chars)
      HM => 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands' (33 chars)
      VA => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)' (29 chars)
      HN => 'Honduras' (8 chars)
      HK => 'Hong Kong' (9 chars)
      HU => 'Hungary' (7 chars)
      IS => 'Iceland' (7 chars)
      IN => 'India' (5 chars)
      ID => 'Indonesia' (9 chars)
      IR => 'Iran' (4 chars)
      IQ => 'Iraq' (4 chars)
      IE => 'Ireland' (7 chars)
      IM => 'Isle of Man' (11 chars)
      IL => 'Israel' (6 chars)
      IT => 'Italy' (5 chars)
      JM => 'Jamaica' (7 chars)
      JP => 'Japan' (5 chars)
      JE => 'Jersey' (6 chars)
      JO => 'Jordan' (6 chars)
      KZ => 'Kazakhstan' (10 chars)
      KE => 'Kenya' (5 chars)
      KI => 'Kiribati' (8 chars)
      KP => 'Korea, Democratic People's Republic of' (38 chars)
      KW => 'Kuwait' (6 chars)
      KG => 'Kyrgyzstan' (10 chars)
      LA => 'Lao People's Democratic Republic' (32 chars)
      LV => 'Latvia' (6 chars)
      LB => 'Lebanon' (7 chars)
      LS => 'Lesotho' (7 chars)
      LR => 'Liberia' (7 chars)
      LY => 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya' (22 chars)
      LI => 'Liechtenstein' (13 chars)
      LT => 'Lithuania' (9 chars)
      LU => 'Luxembourg' (10 chars)
      MO => 'Macao' (5 chars)
      MK => 'Macedonia' (9 chars)
      MG => 'Madagascar' (10 chars)
      MW => 'Malawi' (6 chars)
      MY => 'Malaysia' (8 chars)
      MV => 'Maldives' (8 chars)
      ML => 'Mali' (4 chars)
      MT => 'Malta' (5 chars)
      MH => 'Marshall Islands' (16 chars)
      MQ => 'Martinique' (10 chars)
      MR => 'Mauritania' (10 chars)
      MU => 'Mauritius' (9 chars)
      YT => 'Mayotte' (7 chars)
      MX => 'Mexico' (6 chars)
      FM => 'Micronesia, Fed. States of' (26 chars)
      MD => 'Moldova, Republic of' (20 chars)
      MC => 'Monaco' (6 chars)
      MN => 'Mongolia' (8 chars)
      ME => 'Montenegro' (10 chars)
      MS => 'Montserrat' (10 chars)
      MA => 'Morocco' (7 chars)
      MZ => 'Mozambique' (10 chars)
      MM => 'Myanmar' (7 chars)
      NA => 'Namibia' (7 chars)
      NR => 'Nauru' (5 chars)
      NP => 'Nepal' (5 chars)
      NL => 'Netherlands' (11 chars)
      NC => 'New Caledonia' (13 chars)
      NZ => 'New Zealand' (11 chars)
      NI => 'Nicaragua' (9 chars)
      NE => 'Niger' (5 chars)
      NG => 'Nigeria' (7 chars)
      NU => 'Niue' (4 chars)
      NF => 'Norfolk Island' (14 chars)
      MP => 'Northern Mariana Islands' (24 chars)
      NO => 'Norway' (6 chars)
      OM => 'Oman' (4 chars)
      PK => 'Pakistan' (8 chars)
      PW => 'Palau' (5 chars)
      PA => 'Panama' (6 chars)
      PG => 'Papua New Guinea' (16 chars)
      PY => 'Paraguay' (8 chars)
      PE => 'Peru' (4 chars)
      PH => 'Philippines' (11 chars)
      PN => 'Pitcairn' (8 chars)
      PL => 'Poland' (6 chars)
      PT => 'Portugal' (8 chars)
      PR => 'Puerto Rico' (11 chars)
      QA => 'Qatar' (5 chars)
      RE => 'Reunion' (7 chars)
      RO => 'Romania' (7 chars)
      RU => 'Russia' (6 chars)
      RW => 'Rwanda' (6 chars)
      BL => 'Saint Barthélemy' (17 chars)
      SH => 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha' (44 chars)
      KN => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis' (21 chars)
      LC => 'Saint Lucia' (11 chars)
      MF => 'Saint Martin (French part)' (26 chars)
      PM => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon' (25 chars)
      VC => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' (32 chars)
      WS => 'Samoa' (5 chars)
      SM => 'San Marino' (10 chars)
      ST => 'Sao Tome and Principe' (21 chars)
      SA => 'Saudi Arabia' (12 chars)
      SN => 'Senegal' (7 chars)
      RS => 'Serbia' (6 chars)
      SC => 'Seychelles' (10 chars)
      SL => 'Sierra Leone' (12 chars)
      SG => 'Singapore' (9 chars)
      SX => 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)' (25 chars)
      SK => 'Slovakia' (8 chars)
      SI => 'Slovenia' (8 chars)
      SB => 'Solomon Islands' (15 chars)
      SO => 'Somalia' (7 chars)
      ZA => 'South Africa' (12 chars)
      GS => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands' (44 chars)
      KR => 'South Korea' (11 chars)
      SS => 'South Sudan' (11 chars)
      ES => 'Spain' (5 chars)
      LK => 'Sri Lanka' (9 chars)
      SD => 'Sudan' (5 chars)
      SR => 'Suriname' (8 chars)
      SJ => 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen' (22 chars)
      SZ => 'Swaziland' (9 chars)
      SE => 'Sweden' (6 chars)
      CH => 'Switzerland' (11 chars)
      SY => 'Syrian Arab Republic' (20 chars)
      TW => 'Taiwan' (6 chars)
      TJ => 'Tajikistan' (10 chars)
      TZ => 'Tanzania, United Republic of' (28 chars)
      TH => 'Thailand' (8 chars)
      TL => 'Timor-Leste' (11 chars)
      TG => 'Togo' (4 chars)
      TK => 'Tokelau' (7 chars)
      TO => 'Tonga' (5 chars)
      TT => 'Trinidad and Tobago' (19 chars)
      TN => 'Tunisia' (7 chars)
      TR => 'Turkey' (6 chars)
      TM => 'Turkmenistan' (12 chars)
      TC => 'Turks and Caicos Islands' (24 chars)
      TV => 'Tuvalu' (6 chars)
      UG => 'Uganda' (6 chars)
      UA => 'Ukraine' (7 chars)
      AE => 'United Arab Emirates' (20 chars)
      GB => 'United Kingdom' (14 chars)
      US => 'United States' (13 chars)
      UY => 'Uruguay' (7 chars)
      UZ => 'Uzbekistan' (10 chars)
      VU => 'Vanuatu' (7 chars)
      VE => 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of' (33 chars)
      VN => 'Vietnam' (7 chars)
      VG => 'Virgin Islands, British' (23 chars)
      WF => 'Wallis and Futuna' (17 chars)
      EH => 'Western Sahara' (14 chars)
      YE => 'Yemen' (5 chars)
      ZM => 'Zambia' (6 chars)
      ZW => 'Zimbabwe' (8 chars)
   fluidAdditionalAttributes => array(6 items)
      required => 'required' (8 chars)
      data-element-type => 'PardotCountrySelect' (19 chars)
      data-parsley-trigger => 'change' (6 chars)
      data-parsley-errors-container => '#cTA-netFIELDEN-34739-pardotcountryselect-1-errors' (50 chars)
      data-parsley-required => 'true' (4 chars)
      data-parsley-required-message => 'This field is mandatory.' (24 chars)
Hilscher: 博客: 利用 netFIELD 加速数字化项目
Two Hilscher employees standing behind a glass panel discussing a project.


Empowering Communication

博客: 利用 netFIELD 加速数字化项目

工业物联网领域的数字化项目如何成功实施?利用 netFIELD 操作系统和 netFIELD.io 云平台,可以开发出个性化的传感器到云端解决方案。编辑团队就 netFIELD 平台概念以及如何利用研讨会帮助用户成功实施 IIoT 领域的项目采访了赫优讯系统和运营团队负责人 Daniel Stasiak

工业 4.0 和工厂数字化代表着整个价值链,特别是生产的组织和控制方式的改变。Daniel Stasiak 认为,这为市场注入了新的活力。许多用户对未来的最佳发展方向存有疑问:管理者应如何开展数字化项目,如何获得解决特定问题所需的数据?既然不可能重新建造一个全新的系统,那么如何才能使运行多年的系统更加高效呢?


D. Stasiak's 认为,在如何成功实施数字化项目方面,方法是需要考虑的一个重要方面。他认为,最好的方法可以在研讨会上确定。学员通过使用赫优讯的 netFIELD 操作系统和 netFIELD.io 云平台,以实用的方式学习物联网概念。其中包括数据收集、容器间消息传递、云通讯和部署机制。在赫优讯专家的指导下,培训班学员有机会使用 netFIELD Compact X8M 网关和 netFIELD.io 平台将所学技能付诸实践。D. Stasiak 强调了赫优讯解决方案的高度可扩展性: “从初创企业到高度专业化的工程企业,再到跨国公司,每个人都能从中受益”。

A netFIELD Device IO-Link Wireless Master in an industrial environment.
Hilscher – empowering communication

It’s important for such project to use a top-down approach. With our years of experience, we generate a lot of aha moments in all directions, both for managers and developers. The top-down perspective is also very helpful for developers. The benefit for companies is an important motivational factor.

Daniel Stasiak

Team Lead Systems and Operations

Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation


这位赫优讯专家用形象的海拔高度来说明这一点: 他解释说:“数字化项目的业务目标首先是在海拔 9000 m 的地方制定。目标是什么?降低成本、加快上市速度或提高效率。然后,我们在这个高度尽可能深地下潜。”首先,这与期望值、商业模式和最终客户的预期收益有关。在这一阶段,最重要的是了解用例并确定计划的上市时间线

下一步是什么?这位专家解释说:“在海拔 6000 m 的地方,要对最适合企业的物联网解决方案进行评估。具体来说,就是与 netFIELD.io 平台进行业务整合。而在 3000 m 高度,具体的解决方案已经确立。”这发生在研讨会的第二天。

正如 360° 研讨会所示,实施速度非常快: “我们的任务是 从传感器到云计算只需 15 分钟,” D. Stasiak 说道,在大多数情况下甚至更快。”赫优讯即插即用组件是快速实施的基础: “开箱即用的系统可实现全面的快速解决方案。”




例如,可以从赫优讯的 IP67 IO-Link 主站设备收集传感器数据。他补充说:“这些 IO-Link 边缘设备采用我们的多协议 netX 90 SoC(用于轻松连接现场总线和工业以太网信号)、ARM 处理器和基于 Linux 的操作系统。

有了赫优讯工具箱,传感器数据就能通过 MQTT 传输到云端,”他继续说道,“我们实现了从传感器到云端的双向无缝通讯”。他补充说:“研讨会的参与者可以在他们的边缘设备上获取自己的数据,然后在全球范围内部署自己的应用。”这种 Linux 硬件通常基于 Raspberry Pi 4。

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,设备管理是决定工业 4.0 项目成败的核心因素。D. Stasiak 解释说:“netFIELD 操作系统可实现本地设备管理。我们基于 Linux-Yocto 的操作系统已经过行业验证,符合高度安全要求。”远程设备管理通过 netFIELD.io 实现。

据赫优讯专家介绍,由于用户界面功能强大,Docker、网络、桥接器、防火墙和其他功能的整个管理都很容易:“你不必是 Linux 专家。它可以实现快速上市。该软件已有 20 年的开发工作经验。”目标是使软件能够安装在任何基于 X86 或 ARM 的硬件平台上。

A technical graphic explaining the different levels of communication within the netFIELD platform.

API 接口也可以与 netFIELD 配合使用,”Daniel Stasiak 解释说,这对于想要在 Docker 上集成自己的解决方案的开发人员来说非常重要。整个应用可以直接基于 Docker 进行部署和安装。”另一个优势是:由于 Docker 不仅可以在本地管理,还可以通过 netFIELD 从云端管理,因此可以管理世界上的任何边缘设备。据这位专家说,所需要做的就是“将变化移到变量上”。这就意味着可以利用变量进行临时部署。这位物联网专家补充说:“用户只需连接,并根据需要随时更改变量。”他举例说,正在使用的驱动器可以通过变量的重新部署,提升到下一个更高的质量。这同样适用于更大的规模:也可以从工厂 1 部署到工厂 2。赫优讯解决方案支持多租户

另一个例子是基于 netFIELD.io 的生产跟踪系统,这是赫优讯为自己的生产而开发的系统。D. Stasiak 确认说:“这意味着我们自己的生产可以通过 netFIELD.io 云进行监控,直到我们的芯片和组件交付为止。”

研讨会是确定解决方案所提供的广泛可能性的最佳途径。‌D. Stasiak 认为自己的责任是为客户找到最佳解决方案。

本文首次发表于《数字工厂杂志》。采访由 VDE Verlag 总编 Ronald Heinze 主持。

访问 VDE Verlag 网站。

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您有什么具体的挑战需要开发 IIoT 解决方案?您是否已经有了具体的产品构想,正在寻找合适的 IIoT 基础设施?或者您想了解更多有关 netFIELD 的信息,以及如何利用它为您带来优势?没问题,请填写下表,与我们的专家进行个人产品演示


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netFIELD 新闻
A black device hovers on a colorful background. On the lft you can see the Microsoft Azure logo in blue on a white background.

哈特斯海姆,2023 年 6 月 22 日 – 赫优讯自动化系统有限公司边缘网关 netFIELD Compact X8M 现已列入 Azure 官方认证设备目录。因此,Microsoft 认证了运行时 Azure IoT Edge 与云连接器 Azure IoT Hub 之间的成功连接。

A stylized ear on a colourful background. The PROFINET logo can be seen on the left side.

哈特斯海姆,2023 年 3 月 30 日赫优讯自动化系统有限公司正在利用容器化应用 netFIELD App PROFINET Tap 扩展其物联网产品组合。该应用可作为软件网关,独立于 PLC 从 PROFINET 网络获取过程数据,并将其转换为 MQTT 协议。

A stylized ear on a colourful background. The EtherCAT logo can be seen on the left side.

哈特斯海姆,2023 年 3 月 30 日赫优讯自动化系统有限公司正在利用容器化应用 netFIELD App EtherCAT Tap 扩展其物联网产品组合。该应用可作为软件网关,独立于 PLC 从 EtherCAT 网络获取过程数据,并将其转换为 MQTT 协议。

A white square with three smaller netFIELD icons also in white on the right side. They are connected with white lines on a dark blue background. On the left side, "Release of netFIELD OS 2.4" is written on  white background.

哈特斯海姆,2023 年 5 月 31 日 – 赫优讯始终致力于优化和扩展其 netFIELD 品牌下的管理型工业物联网产品组合。赫优讯边缘设备运行环境 netFIELD OS 2.4 的发布是实现这一目标的又一基石。